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Upcoming Games

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Burbank Tennis Center - 1515 N Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504, United States
San Marino High School (2701 Hntngtn Dr, San Marino, CA 91108, United States)
Herbert Hoover High School (651 Glenwood Rd, Glendale, CA 91202, United States)

Home of the Pioneers

At Providence, athletics build character and prepare student-athletes to overcome challenges. Our programs inspire hard work, commitment, and self-discipline, emphasizing the importance of community and teamwork. We believe in sportsmanship and fair play, values shared by our Prep League partners: Chadwick, Flintridge Prep, Mayfield, Pasadena Poly, Rio Hondo Prep, and Westridge.

Beyond the field, our student-athletes excel in student government, clubs, and the arts, ensuring a well-rounded experience. They learn life lessons through their successes and failures, supported by coaches, parents, and fans. Join us at Providence and discover a community dedicated to nurturing your child’s talents and character.


athletic programs

Boys Volleyball

54% of students
involved in a sport

Girls Flag Football


Coaches Directory

1 2 3 > showing 1 - 15 of 36 constituents

Mario Adriano

Cinema Arts Technical Director
Boys Volleyball Varsity Head Coach, Girls Volleyball Varsity Assistant Coach

Olga Barahona

Math Department Faculty
Equestrian Moderator

Michelle Boucher

Visual Arts Faculty
Cross Country Co-Head Coach, Track and Field Assistant Coach

Steven Brodie

Boys Basketball Frosh/Soph Coach

Benedict Carandang

Girls Basketball Varsity Assistant Coach

Gregory Cohen

Girls Soccer Head Coach

Mando Contreras

Physical Education & Wellness Faculty
Science Faculty, Baseball Head Coach

Ana Coronado

Girls Basketball JV Head Coach
Flag Football Assistant Coach

Anthony Cosby

Boys Basketball Head Coach

Le'Von Davis

Assistant Athletic Director
Campus Store Manager, Sophomore Class Moderator, Cross Country Co-Head Coach, Track & Field Head Coach

Sam DeMello

English Faculty
Track and Field Assistant Coach

Briana Esparza

Girls Golf Varsity Head Coach

Joshua Freeman

Visual Arts Faculty
Flag Football Head Coach

Eric George

Boys Basketball Varsity Assistant Coach

Apryl Hampton

Science Faculty
Track and Field Assistant Coach
1 2 3 > showing 1 - 15 of 36 constituents

Meet The Team

James Jimenez

Athletic Director
Esports Moderator, Figure Skating Moderator, Fencing Moderator

Le'Von Davis

Assistant Athletic Director
Campus Store Manager, Sophomore Class Moderator, Cross Country Co-Head Coach, Track & Field Head Coach

Dezirrei Zepeda

Athletic Trainer
Physical Education & Wellness Faculty


If you imagine a future of impacting the world,
yet remain grounded in the here and now,
you belong at Providence High School.


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